World Class

Reach new business horizons by hiring an expert Genie Virtual Assistant equipped with state of the art artificial intelligence software

Talk with us to learn how a Genie Virtual Assistant can bring your business to the next level

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Trusted by current and former employees at

Hiring a good Virtual Assistant is hard. We make it easy.

Teams trust Genie to bring expert level Virtual Assistants to their businesses. Genie Virtual Assistants come pre-trained on custom-software powered by artificial intelligence designed exactly on your needs.

Human Insight, AI Precision

Swift, Accurate Task Completion

Feedback-driven Improvement

Hiring a good Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistants For Every Need

Our Genie Virtual Assistants work with executives in every industry to cover a variety of needs.

AI-Powered Automations

AI-Generated Creative Assets

Business Internationalization

AI-Powered Globalizatoin

AI-Powered Automations

AI-Generated Creative Assets



Business Operations


Growth and SEO Strategies

Growth and SEO Strategies

Virtual Receptionist


Executive Networking and Recruiting

Executive Networking and Recruiting

AI-Powered Automations

AI-Powered Automations

AI-Generated Creative Assets

AI-Generated Creative Assets

Business Internationalization

Business Internationalization

AI-Powered Globalization

AI-Powered Globalization

Talk with us to learn how you can implement AI in your business with a Genie Virtual Assistant

Get Started
Step 1

Create Your Dream Workflows

Our team of professionals work closely with you to determine whether or not you and your business would be a good fit for a Genie Virtual Assistant. After initial qualification, we collaborate to deeply understand your workflows and the best way a Genie Virtual Assistant can bring you and your business to the next level.

Business Executives
Welcome To Genie.
Step 2

We Train Genie Virtual Assistants on Custom AI Software

Once you have been approved, we create custom software designed exactly for your use-case and through a proprietary matching algorithm find the perfect Genie Virtual Assistant to run the software for you and your business.

Step 3

Watch Magic Happen

And just like that, your repetitive, painful workflows are automated. Your Genie Virtual Assistants delivers superior results, so you can focus on building your business. Your Genie Virtual Assistant and AI-software also incorporates feedback from you and your customers, continuously improving.

Genie Virtual Assistant


Get a genie virtual assistant for just $2,500 / month.

Genie Virtual Assistant
Top 1% Virtual Assistant
Only 1% of the employee applicants for Genie make it through Genie's 5-level assessments, ensuring world-class assistants for you.
Works on your time zone
Genie Virtual Assistants match with your time zone so that they are available when you need them.
40 / Hours A Week
Your Genie Virtual Assistant feels like a dedicated full-time employee to you and your needs.
Augmented By Cutting-Edge AI
Unlike competitors, Genie's AI-engineers equip your Virtual Assistant with proprietary software designed exactly for you and your needs.
Proprietary Matching Algorithm
Based off you and your needs, we utilize an AI-enabled matching algorithm to find the right Genie Virtual Assistant for you.
Other Assistants
Hard to hire quality assistants
High turnover-rate
Not trained with most recent technologies
Struggle to understand and assist with your needs

See How Other Executives Are Using Genie

Lisa B. - Cavalli Estates

My Genie Virtual Assistant helped me set up my Etsy store, manage my Airbnb listings, implement an SEO strategy for my website, and automate blog content creation using Genie AI tooling. It's like having multiple full-time employees! Genie Virtual Assistants have been game-changing for me and I don't know where Cavalli would be without them!

Lisa B.
Founder, Cavalli Estates
Adam Schafer - Mind Pump Media

Genie implemented custom dubbing software and paired me with three Genie Virtual Assistants to internationalize my business. They dubbed content, posted it on social media in LATAM/China/India, and localized all our courses. Genie has 8x'd our bottom line and I can't imagine where we'd be without them. I'm excited to have my expansion rolling on auto-pilot!

Adam Schafer
CEO, Mind Pump Media
Gio C. - Meta

I was paired with two Genie Virtual Assistants who, using bespoke Genie AI software, helped me put my executive responsibilities on auto-pilot. They were able to draft emails in my tone, manage my LinkedIn and personal CRM, make phone-calls on my behalf, and more. I'm incredibly thankful for Genie, as I feel like I've found my own, personal agent.  

Gio C.
Former VP of Hardware Engineering, Meta

Why We Created Genie

By the age of 20 years old, Genie's founder Enzo was managing an 8-figure technology investment fund. By creating a team of Virtual Assistants equipped and trained on the latest AI-technologies, he was able to scale out operations of his fund, while beating the market. Now, Enzo wants to share the same techniques and technologies that he used with top business leaders to bring them to the next level.

Enzo Coglitore - Genie

Supercharge Yourself with Genie

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